Magnetic Rock Floor Display – Package 99


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Item Description Qty Price
LGB-102 3X3 Black Felt Bags 300 @ 0.25 $75.00
TS-500 14M  Regular Magnetic 176lbs @ $3.75/lb. $660.00
Display 99 Magnetic Display W/ Pole 1 $200.00
TS-500 14M  Regular Magnetic 10 lbs FREE!
TOTAL: $935.00


Profit per bag:
Medium bag – holds approx. 2/3 lb.
LGB-102 3×3 Bag Cost=$2.60 Retail=$6.99
Cost includes Bag and Magnetic Rock

Size: 40″H x 24″W x 24″D

   Custom stamped bag add $.15 per bag

We offset the display with:
-10 lbs. additional Magnetic Spheres (186 lbs total!)
This means that by buying the package, you are getting these additional rocks for FREE!

Additional information

Bag Color

Black, Tan, Green, Violet, Red, Blue

Magnetic Stone Shape

Sphere, Square, Bullet